21-2 Lutheranism and the Classics (ePub)

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Logia XXI-2 Cover.jpg

21-2 Lutheranism and the Classics (ePub)


Eastertide 2012: Volume 21, Number 2

ePub version


The Greco-Roman Savior: Jesus in the Age of Augustus
Peter Scaer

Paul’s Vision of “A Certain Macedonian” in Troas: How Might Luke’s Original Audience Have Heard the Narration of Acts 16:9?
Robert Sorensen

Luther and the Classical Tradition in the Heidelberg Disputation of 1518
E. Christian Kopff

Deipnosophistae Reformed: Classical Intertexts in Luther’s Tischreden
Alden Smith

Classical Education as Vocational Education: Luther on the Liberal Arts
Gene Edward Veith

Wise, Steadfast, and Magnanimous: Patrons of the Classics in Luther’s Wittenberg
Carl P. E. Springer

Philipp Melanchthon and the “Poor Roof” of Wittenberg Humanism
Jon Steffen Bruss

Making a University Lutheran: Philipp Melanchthon and the Reform of the University of Tübingen in the 1530s
Susan Mobley

Greek Epic Verse and the Lutheran Liturgy
Diane Louise Johnson

The Usefulness of Useless Knowledge: Defending Classical Liberal Education from Melanchthon to Newman
Mark A. Kalthoff

Truth, Beauty, and Goodness in Thought, Word, and Deed: Unleashing the Power of Rhetoric
James M. Tallmon

Ridentem Dicere Verum: Horatian Satire and God’s Law
Dale A. Meyer

Fundamenta fideliter iecit: Lutheran Eloquence and the Muses of Classical Scholarship
Robert W. Ulery Jr.

Teaching Greek at the Seminary
John G. Nordling

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